Sleepout supporting an end to Homelessness
On the 18th October Peter Lynch attempted the CEO Sleepout in Manchester. Sadly at My Space we know all too well the devastating impact homelessness has on our communities.
Imagine if you had no home, no food, and nowhere you felt safe. That’s the nightmare facing thousands who have been pulled into poverty or made homeless since the start of the pandemic.
That’s why I did something about it. On 18th October, Manchester’s big-hearted business bosses, owners, executives and senior leaders gave up their beds for one night to sleep outside at Emirates Old Trafford – with each of us pledging to raise or donate £1000. Uniting to fight homelessness.
Why is it so important?
Recent studies show the shocking truth around homelessness in England:
Over 250,000 people in England are homeless and in temporary accommodation
Over 61% of adults in England living in temporary accommodation are women
Single parents make up 72% of all homeless families living in temporary accommodation, but only 24% of families
1 in 23 black households become homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless, compared to 1 in 83 households from all other ethnicities
24% of young homeless people in the UK are LGBT+
More than half (55%) of people who make a homeless application are aged between 16 and 34
Source: Shelter, AKT, MHCLG
This is something close to all our hearts – if you can help in any way with sponsorship, the link is below.
Thank you so much for your support.
Peter Lynch