15th December 2017

What We Do

As a supported housing landlord, My Space Housing Solutions offers: 

  • Supported tenancies – for individuals who can live independently yet require support to manage their tenancy and their home. 
  • Specialised supported tenancies – for individuals who have high support needs to live independently, requiring both tenancy support and a care package. 

All our properties are of the highest quality and in the best possible community settings for each resident. We can furnish them with an essentials package, if required. 

When an individual is referred to My Space, we will assess their suitability for supported housing, based on their needs. If they are eligible, we will allocate an appropriate property, create a tenancy support plan and match them with a highly trained Housing Support Officer. 

At the point of move-in, our tenants are introduced to the building/property and the terms of their tenancy agreement, support plans are discussed, and weekly support sessions are agreed. If a tenant is moving into one of our specialised, supported properties, these initial sessions will be in partnership with commissioned care providers. 

Properties are inspected regularly, with repairs and maintenance services provided. 

What to expect from our support service  

Our weekly support sessions will include: 

  • Advice and guidance on managing the tenancy and adhering to the terms of the tenancy agreement 
  • Supporting with housing benefit claims 
  • Employment and money advice  
  • Signposting and making referrals to other support agencies, such as mental health, drug/alcohol/substance misuse, food banks 
  • Managing risk, in line with the tenant’s support plan 
  • Ways to help promote independence 
  • Help with moving on when the time is right 
  • Accessing other services 
  • Going along to residents’ meetings and forums 

 As a landlord, we will: 

  • Carry out property inspections, and repairs 
  • Ensure the property is well maintained and safe 
  • Take reasonable and practical steps to prevent and address anti-social behaviour 
  • Work in partnership with local authorities, agencies and the police on local matters 
  • Work within the terms of our agreements with tenants